La Fierucola

La Fierucola - Market fairs

Fierucola promotes organic farming on small family farms and traditional natural handicrafts. During the fairs, which often have specific themes, there are photographic exhibitions, conferences on food, workshops for children, craft courses, publications on rural life. More Fierucoline are regularly held in Piazza Santo Spirito on the third Sunday of the month, except in August, and in Piazza del Carmine on the second Sunday of the month (except in August).


Photo credits: La Fierucola
Markets, fairs

Fierucola at Piazza del Carmine

Every second Sundays of the month.

Markets, fairs
Opening hours
14-01-2024 - 08-12-2024
Sunday from 09:00 to 13:00 On the second Sundays of the month.
Closed: 01-08-2024 - 31-08-2024

Fierucola at Piazza Santo Spirito

Every third Sundays of the month.

Markets, fairs
Opening hours
21-01-2024 - 15-12-2024
Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00 On the third Sundays of the month.
Closed: 01-08-2024 - 31-08-2024