Villa medicea La Petraia

Enchanted villas and gardens

Beauty and music: the perfect slogan for 'Ville e giardini incantati', the historic classical music festival, which will take place in a series of Tuscan Medici villas, including those in the surroundings of Florence (Petraia, Castello and Pratolino) from June 5th until the end of July. The pre-sale of tickets started already.

The extraordinary venues of eight Medici villas and gardens, a World Heritage Site since 2013, will host no less than fourteen concerts by the ORT (Orchestra della Toscana), with famous conductors, such as Diego Ceretta, and other great interpreters of the international music scene.

The monumental complexes involved are the Medici Villas and Gardens of: Petraia, Castello, Pratolino, Poggio a Caiano, Seravezza, Cerreto Guidi, Quarrata. The musical repertoire is particularly varied, ranging from Vivaldi to Mozart, Beethoven and Mendelssohn to Prokof'ev, with a performance dedicated to Giacomo Casanova. To get to know these extraordinary places better, a programme of free guided tours (Petraia, Pratolino, Poggio a Caiano) has been set up on the occasion of the concerts; in some cases buffets will be set up, with extra charge, before the concert.

Learn more about the complete calendar of the festival. Discover the entire universe of the Medici villas on the official website:

Photo credits: Regione Toscana