
Boboli Gardens

The Medici family was the first to take care of the Boboli garden’s arrangement, creating the model of the Italian-style garden, then an example for many European courts, in which a rational order is given to the vegetation and the geometries of the avenues and plants are embellished with grottoes, statues and fountains.

Opened to the public in 1766, it is a real open-air museum: valuable are the Roman statues and those of Renaissance sculptors such as Baccio Bandinelli and Giambologna; the amphitheatre, where court performances took place; the Grotta del Buontalenti, where Michelangelo's Prisons were placed (now replaced by copies).

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Points of interest
Parks and gardens
Poligono GEO

Giardino di Boboli

Giardino di Boboli

Giardino di Boboli, Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia

Giardino di Boboli, Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
01-03-2025 - 29-03-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 17:30
30-03-2025 - 31-05-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 18:30
01-06-2025 - 31-08-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 19:10
01-09-2025 - 26-10-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 18:30
27-10-2025 - 31-10-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 17:30
01-11-2025 - 28-02-2026
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 16:30
The ticket-office closes one hour before
Closed: 1st and last Monday of the month , 25-12-2025
Entrance fee:
Full price - including the entrance to Boboli Garden and Bardini Garden € 10.00
Combined Ticket PassePartout 5 Days (includes the entrance to the museums of Palazzo Pitti, Boboli and Uffizi) € 40.00
Combined Ticket - PassePartout 5 Days + Corridoio Vasariano € 58.00
Passpartout annual pass Boboli € 25.00
Combined Ticket - valid 1 day, includes the entrance to the museums of Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Garden € 22.00
For information about other combined tickets, reduced tickets, free entrances please check the website
***Freed admission for everybody, without reservation, on the first Sunday of the month
***08/03/2025 free for women
Sito web
Gli Uffizi
Tipo gestione
state museums 
Accessibility:  partially accessible

The Boboli Garden is behind Palazzo Pitti and covers an area of about 30 hectars/360 square yr. People in wheelchair should be accompanied during the visit of the garden, as the path is made of pebbles and gravel and can be quite difficult to overcome (slopes up to 20%).

There are four entrances/exits: Piazza Pitti, main door, Via Romana 37/A (Annalena), Forte Belvedere e Porta Romana. In each access point, visitors will find a ticket office. Accessibility and Inclusion Department developed some accessible routes for visitors with reduced mobility, previous contact by email.

Entrance from Piazza Pitti

Access from the Cortile degli Ammannati, then, on the left, under the loggia visitors will take a tunnel, Tunnel del Vento, that leads to piazzale di Bacco, where 3 steps have to be overcome. Along the path, it is possible to see Daci Statues and a copy of Nano Morgante. Nearby, the Grotta del Buontalenti is partially accessible, due to a staircase. Following the curved pathway, visitors can get to the Amphitheatre, Piazzale della Meridiana and la Cerchiata Centrale.

Entrance from Via Romana 37/A (Annalena)

The curved pathway on the right side, after the ticket office, has a high gradient (about 20%). The path, made of gravel, leads to la Vasca dell’Isola, on the right side, and to the Anphitheatre, on the left side. This last pathway is not recommended for visitors with a manual wheelchair or without a help.

Entrance from Porta Romana

Entrance in the southern area of the Garden: with its flat pavement, it is easy to reach la Vasca dell’Isola.

Entrance from Forte Belvedere

The highest part of the Garden: it is possible to visit the Statua dell’Abbondanza and the Museo delle Porcellane (partially accessible).

Following the pathway, visitors can reach the Prato dei Castagni and the Vasca di Nettuno. Starting from the Prato dei Castagni the pathway leads to the lower part of the garden in gentle slope with curves. The park and the route are divided by a small bevelled step 6 cm/2,3 in high.

Inside the garden, there are two bathrooms. The first is on the right side of the Amphitheatre, having Palazzo Pitti behind; please ask the operators on duty inside the garden or at the bookshop, located on the left side of the Amphitheatre, to use the stair lift (69x80 cm/2,3x2,7 ft). The second is a small one and is located at the entrance in Via Romana 37/A Annalena.

The bookshop is located in the Amphitheatre area and to reach it visitors have to overcome a small step 4-5 cm/1,6-2 in high.

Inside the garden, there are some fountains with drinking water and a point of comfort located between Prato dei Castagni and the entrance to the Museo delle Porcellane.

A special map for people with reduced mobility or in wheelchair has been created to provide easier access to the garden. It includes suggested itineraries, their duration, slopes and level of difficulty. Points of interest and tourist services are clearly marked on the map, available at the entrance of the Boboli Garden.

For information, please contact the Accessibility and Inclusion Department by calling +39 055 2388617,  Monday – Friday 9.30am-4:30pm. ;