Palazzo Borghese

Palazzo Borghese

One of the most important neoclassical buildings in Florence, it overlooks Via Ghibellina, a stone's throw from the Bargello Museum.

Originally from the Salviati family, its original nucleus is due to Michelozzo (1437), but the main transformation of the interior took place in the Baroque era, thanks to Gherardo Silvani. At the end of the 18th century the palace passed to the powerful Borghese family. In particular Camillo Borghese, husband of Paolina Bonaparte (Napoleon's sister), was responsible for the renovation of the imposing façade in neoclassical style (Gaetano Baccani, 1822). The interior, sumptuously decorated, is not open to the public.


Photo credits: Mirko Sansavini
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Palazzo Borghese

Palazzo Borghese

Palazzo Borghese

Palazzo Borghese

Opening hours
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