The name Via dei Renai reveals that here was a deposit of sand left by the river Arno. Before the redesigning of the river banks by Giuseppe Poggi, this whole area was called Piazza delle Molina, which also included the present Piazza Poggi because of the presence of mills on the banks of the Arno. Via dei Renai is bordered towards the river by Piazza Demidoff, in memory of the Russian industrialist family. But on both sides of the street are important buildings linked to the history of Florence. On one side is Palazzo Serristori, dating back to the 16th century in the oldest part, with facades of unusual red plaster
At the other end of the street is the large body of the palace that now houses the Bardini Museum, once the showroom of the antiquarian collector Stefano Bardini and now one of the most interesting civic museums.
Via dei Renai
via dei Renai