Villa Alberti

Villa Alberti

The complex of Villa San Lorenzo or Villa Alberti, as it belonged to the Counts Alberti and later to the Counts Moriubaldini-Alberti, consists of two main bodies. The Villa that was acquired by the Municipality of Signa is the oldest and dates back to the 15th century.

It is a building that was used, in the past, as a farm and this has ensured that its structure has not been altered.

Villa Alberti, which is located a few hundred metres from the town hall square in Signa, will become a venue for events and exhibitions, but there are also plans to use it as a reading room and venue for literary events, in collaboration with the local library.

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Points of interest
Villas and castles
Poligono GEO

Villa Alberti

Villa Alberti

via San Lorenzo 36B

via San Lorenzo 36B
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Entrance fee:

Tipo gestione
municipal museums