Tobian Art Gallery

Tobian Art Gallery

Active since: 2019
Areas of interest: Contemporary art, painting and sculpture, photography, art books, photography and art workshops, events

Located at via Maggio 60/r, in the heart of the Oltrarno, Tobian is a new gallery dedicated to the visual arts, founded by Giacomo Pirozzi, an enthusiastic art lover. Thanks to his many connections with artists and galleries around the world, he has been able to create an innovative and creative space where cultures meet and people can learn through an international language of the arts. While contemporary art and photography constitute its main focus, the gallery offers a good selection of publications dedicated to the visual arts. It further organises workshops for children, youth and adults, including photography workshops with international artists and photographers. The gallery aims to promote young artists as well; its staff is made up of international interns, thanks to agreements with American universities and with two schools in Florence, the Scuola di Moda e Arte Marangoni and the Accademia Europea.

Photo credits:
Art galleries
Poligono GEO

Tobian Art Gallery

Tobian Art Gallery

Via Maggio, 60r, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia

Via Maggio, 60r, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia