After Art Gallery

After Art Gallery

Active since: 2010
Areas of interest: Contemporary art

After Art Gallery was established in Florence in 2010, the fruit of the personal efforts of Frederik Ivanaj, who trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana before going on to gain experience in cinema and theatre production in Albania as a film director and scenographer. He wished to focus his painting on Tuscan landscapes and views of Florence, which recall historical and aesthetic themes that have always been dear to him. His oeuvre covers subjects derived from the most abstract introspection –expressionist – to more realistic portraits and copies of classical artists. He also displays other established contemporary artists at his gallery.

Photo credits:
Art galleries
Poligono GEO

After Art Gallery

After Art Gallery

Piazza Sant'Elisabetta, 6, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia

Piazza Sant'Elisabetta, 6, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia