Villa Cambi Pucci di Cambiano

Villa Cambi Pucci a Cambiano

Villa Cambi Pucci is located in Cambiano, on the outskirts of Castelfiorentino. Its structure recalls an eightennth-century style assigned by Cambi’s family, it was built where it was situated the Castello di Cambiano in 15th century and later it was used as a post office by Cosimo I de’Medici.

The exterior is decoraded with stone decorations in correspondence to the openings, with a gateway, raised by a few steps that is surround by bugnato stone. The interior has fireplaces and stone jambs, as well as trompe d’oeil frescoes on the walls and on the ceilings represented rural scenes from the seventeenth- century. In the centrer there is an arcaded courtyard, nowdays it is walled with additions dating from Pucci’s family. The buildings on the sides of the villa were use as a farmers' residence and services for the farm, and the Chapel hosts a ciborium with the coat of arms of Cambi family.

The Villa is sorrounded by the beauty of the nature of the Veldelsa, lying on the summit of a hill that offers a wonderfull view. Also, it’s possible to reach Chiesa di San Prospero in a few steps, renovated in the fifteenth century during the period of Cambi’s family.

Nowdays the villa hosts events and cerimonies.


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Points of interest
Villas and castles
Poligono GEO

Villa Cambi Pucci a Cambiano

Villa Cambi Pucci a Cambiano

SR429, 265, 50051 Cambiano FI

SR429, 265, 50051 Cambiano FI