Pietre d'inciampo Montelupo Fiorentino

Remembrance Route in the Empolese Valdarno and Montalbano areas

The itinerary takes its cue from the decision of the municipalities of Empoli, Capraia e Limite, Cerreto Guidi, Fucecchio, Montelupo Fiorentino and Vinci, to place a series of stumbling blocks, brass "tiles" that show the personal data of the deportees to the Nazi extermination camps, in the landmarks of their own territories.

The first laying will symbolically take place on January 27, Remembrance Day, when the first stumbling block will be placed in Empoli on Via Chiara where Remo Burlon lived, who was deported and killed in Ebendsee in 1945. On the same day the stumbling block dedicated to soccer player Carlo Castellani will be placed in his birthplace, Fibbiana (Montelupo Fiorentino) on piazza San Rocco.

As many as 21 stumbling blocks will then be placed in memory of as many glassmakers of the Vetreria Taddei , who did not return home after being deported to Mauthausen on March 8 1944.

The diffused remembrance project in the Empoli area will continue during the year, in order to reach a total of 47 layed stumbling blocks.

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Car route
Bus route
Train route
Via Chiara, 50053 Empoli FI, Italia47546
Piazza S. Rocco, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino FI, Italia47546
50053 Empoli FI, Italia47546