Piazza Poggi e Torre di San Niccolò

Piazza Poggi

The name of Piazza Poggi, overlooking the Arno River, dates back to 1911 when it was named after the architect who completely redesigned Florence at the end of the 19th century. Previously, the area was called Piazza delle Molina, testifying to the presence of the ancient San Niccolò mills active in the area until 1870.

The complete redesign of the square means that the gate or Tower San Niccolò, aligned with the walls as long as they existed, is now in the centre of the square. The tower is a monument that can be visited during the summer, from which there is an unusual view of the city.

The square is bordered to the south by the Ramps and the scenic water features, also the work of Giuseppe Poggi.

A small but interesting museum, the House-Museum of Rodolfo Siviero, overlooks the square in a somewhat secluded manner. In his flat, he kept a small representation of the works of art that he dealt with throughout his life.

If the north side of the square is bordered by the Arno, it is worth noting the so-called Third Garden , a vast green space that changes its appearance depending on the flow of the river water.


Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Points of interest
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Piazza Poggi

Piazza Poggi

Piazza Giuseppe Poggi, Firenze

Piazza Giuseppe Poggi, Firenze