Immagine dell'app

Dante e l'Occhio della città intelligente

Occhio della città intelligente is born, a free application for smartphones and tablets that allows blind and visually impaired people to move independently within the city. While on the move, the application identifies the place to reach, accurately indicating where you are and recognizing points of interest such as monuments, attractions and museums. And not only. Thanks to the data provided by civic networks and public transport companies, the App allows to identify pharmacies, Wi-Fi areas, public offices, health facilities, taxis and bus stops, of which it not only signals the presence, but also the waiting time and the moment of arrival of the vehicle.

The App is then conceived to allow implementations on the occasion of particular events, such as the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri. And it is with this in mind that three Florentine itineraries have been created in the footsteps of the Comedy, which explain 16 cultural points designed and read for the visually impaired, the blind, tourists and citizens. The itineraries, also accessible from a distance, illustrate monuments, tower houses and tombstones related to the life of the Poet and the Comedy and provide details on the structure of the monuments, describing the images and indicating precisely the position of the tombstones.

Promoted by the 108LA district of the Lions Club Toscana and the Leo Club in partnership with the Università di Firenze, the app has been integrated with Dante's paths thanks to the Soroptimist Firenze Due Club.

Available on Google Play Store and Apple Store.


Photo credits:
Walking route
Accessible route
Accessibility:  accessible