le rampe

Le Rampe - the Ramps

At the end of the 19th century, the construction of the Viale Michelangelo also included the Ramps, which rise from the Arno towards the hill with a consolidation function. This neo-Mannerist architecture was realised by Giuseppe Poggi, who created a succession of staircases, grottoes and water features. From above, the water passes through the first three grottoes, and then flows downwards into five other grottoes until it gathers completely at the large pool of the Porta San Niccolò.

The whole area is also a vertical garden, which is very pleasant, while the water features are highly scenic, especially at night when they are illuminated

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Points of interest
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Le Rampe

Le Rampe

Piazza Giuseppe Poggi, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia

Piazza Giuseppe Poggi, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
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