Antica Spezieria Serristori- Figline Valdarno

Ancient Serristori apothecary

The Antica Spezieria is nowadays located inside the Villa di San Cerbone, the building where Umberto Serristori, in the early 20th century, decided to move the whole Spedale that was previously to be found on the current Marsilio Ficino square in Figline.

The apothecary, created in the early 16th century, is a small room with a coffered ceiling, that still houses a collection of 16th-17th century majolicas hailing from Montelupo and other ones commissioned in 1705 to the Sienese Giovan Battista Ciabattini. On display is a large collection of officinal glass vases (16th-17th century) "in the Venetian style", whose chemical and medicinal compound is displayed in 19th century handwriting on the labels. In 1724 it underwent remodelling; dating from this time are the walnut closets with which it is furnished.

Worth mentioning among the included paintings are a panel with the Madonna on the throne with Child among angels, central part of a triptych painted by Giovanni di Tano Fei in the early years of the 15th century, the Head of the Redeemer by Matteo Rosselli (1640 ca.) and the portrait of Raffaello Lambruschini painted by Carlo Ademollo (1873).


Photo credits: Comune di Figline Valdarno
Points of interest
Poligono GEO

Antica Spezieria Serristori

Antica Spezieria Serristori

Piazza XXV Aprile, Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI

Figline e Incisa Valdarno 
Piazza XXV Aprile, Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI
Opening hours
Opening hours:
The Ancient Serristori apothecary can be visited by reservation.
Entrance fee:
not available at the moment
Tipo gestione
municipal museums 
Accessibility:  accessible