Galleria Il Ponte

Il Ponte

Active since: 1965
Areas of interest: Contemporary art

Il Ponte was established in San Giovanni Valdarno in 1965, the fruit of the passion for contemporary art of Vincenzo Alibrandi, an artisan printer. It has been in its current location in Florence since 1977 and has been managed by Andrea Alibrandi since 1986. In over three decades of operations, Il Ponte has always presented a wide but selected core of artists covering the entire 20th century, from historic masters of the first half of the 1900s, such as De Pisis, Sironi, Soffici and Rosai, to the main exponents of Informalism, including Afro and Mirko Basaldella, Arturo Carmassi, Pietro Consagra, Mattia Moreni and Giulio Turcato. In addition to organising exhibitions, the gallery has also developed an interest in publishing catalogues and art books, which stand out both for their contents and their graphics.

The space was renovated in 2003 with the aim of shifting the gallery’s focus to offerings more closely connected with the contemporary world. This new chapter in its history was inaugurated with an important exhibition dedicated to the mirrored surfaces of Michelangelo Pistoletto; this event was followed by displays of the works of Claudio Abate, Rodolfo Aricò, Gianfranco Baruchello, Carlo Battaglia, Ben Vautier, Giuseppe Chiari, Paolo Cotani, Gianni Colombo, Jan Fabre, Rosa Foschi, Bruno Gambone, Marco Gastini, Zoé Gruni, Raymond Hains, Soonja Han, Paolo Icaro, Bernard Joubert, Aldo Mondino, Davide Mosconi, Mattia Moreni, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Giulia Napoleone, Louise Nevelson, Luca Maria Patella, Alfredo Pirri, Carol Rama, Renato Ranaldi, Mimmo Rotella, Paolo Scheggi, Mario Schifano, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Mauro Staccioli, Joe Tilson and Giulio Turcato.



Photo credits:
Art galleries
Poligono GEO

Il Ponte

Il Ponte

Via di Mezzo 42/b, Firenze

Via di Mezzo 42/b, Firenze