Piazza Marsilio Ficino

Marsilio Ficino square in Figline

Marsilio Ficino square in Figline Valdarno, a trading post since its origins, is to this day the location of the market taking place here every Tuesday morning.
The square, named after Marsilio Ficino, the famous humanist who was born right in Figline in 1433, hosts in addition to the market the main events that are programmed in Figline and Incisa Valdarno, from the Palio di San Rocco to Autumnia and many others.

The town owes its name to the Latin word figulinae, used by the ancient Romans to refer to the presence of kilns for terracotta, ceramics and bricks, whose Etruscan origin is attested by some archaeological finds in the area.
Already around the year 1000, when the settlement of Figline was in the hilly area of San Romolo, the valley floor apparently used to have a "mercatale", that is a big forum which hosted commercial exchanges, around which the current town developed starting from 1252, following the destruction of the Fegghine castle, built by the Ubertini di Gaville family, carried out by the Florentines.

The square, which initially included a few buildings, a small church and the San Romolino well, began to take on its current appearance in the 15th century, with the building of the long loggias in the via Regia and the wheat loggias, where grain was piled and sold (near the Collegiata di Santa Maria and under the Spedale di Sant'Annunziata). It was under the Medici, in fact, that the Valdarno area became Florence's granary and Figline grew much bigger housing hotels, taverns, pharmacies, butcher shops.
Still visible today are the frescoed palaces, the tower houses and the cobbled flooring (dating to 1496) which cuts the square diagonally: this is what's left of the road that was traveled to go from Florence to Arezzo, which crossed Figline coming in from the north Fiorentina door to the Aretina door located south of town.

Photo credits: Comune Figline
Points of interest
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Piazza Marsilio Ficino di Figline

Piazza Marsilio Ficino di Figline

Piazza Marsilio Ficino, 50063 Figline Valdarno

Figline e Incisa Valdarno 
Piazza Marsilio Ficino, 50063 Figline Valdarno
Accessibility:  accessible

It can also be reached by car, using the parking lots in the old town.