via degli dei

La via degli Dei (the way of Gods)

La Via degli Dei - the Way of Gods is a path part of the trend that led to the rediscovery of "slow tourism", in contrast with the hectic schedules dictated by modern life; about 130 kilometers that can be completed at one's own pace, according to physical fitness (and available time), a travel time ranging from four up to five-six days or more, for a full immersion in the views of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.

The choice of name is not casual, as Way of Gods harks back to the names of the places that one passes through, like Mount Adonis, Mount Venus, Mount Lunario (Lua was a Roman goddess) or Monzuno (Mount of Jupiter).

The start is from Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, right away you toil up to San Luca and then continue towards Badolo, Madonna dei Fornelli and  the Passo della Futa, through the peak of Mount Adonis, the old trail of the ancient roman road, the Flaminia Militare, and the small villages of the Apennines.
Reaching the Futa passage offers you beautiful emotions, with the mighty German War Cemetery and the view on the Tuscan slope, with the shimmer on the waters of the Bilancino lake.
On the Tuscan side the entry to the Mugello valley leads you through the village of Sant'Agata with its old Romanesque parish church, one of the most beautiful in the Florentine area, and then proceeds towards San Piero a Sieve (over there an essential stop is at the Convento di Bosco ai Frati where you can admire a precious crucifix attributed to Donatello) and climbs running along the Trebbio Medici Villa, recalling the Mugello origins of the Medici family, up to the Convento di Monte Senario. We are now in Bivigliano, city of Vaglia and very close to our goal.

The last leg leads through the olive groves of the Tuscan countryside up to Fiesole, to take a glance at the final destination: Florence and its stately Dome by Brunelleschi towering above the whole city.

More than two thousand years after the passage of the Etruscans, who used it to go from Fiesole to Felsina (currently Bologna), the Way of Gods has won the heart of many hikers and the number of enthusiastic walkers that embrace this experience is steadily increasing.

At the tourist information offices you can get the Pilgrim's credentials. Go to the website to get more details of every stretch. 

On this website in the Download section you can find a map of the hiking path

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Walking route
Bike route
Hiking route
San Luca Bologna32292
Madonna dei Fornelli32292
Passo della Futa32292
Castello del Trebbio32292
Convento di Monte Senario32292
Fiesole, piazza Mino32292
Piazza San Marco32292