Vista panoramica della Chiesa di San Romolo

Chiesa di San Romolo

The Church of San Romolo is a wonderful example of medieval architecture, housing a rich artistic heritage.

The entrance is preceded by a loggia with pillars overlooking the surrounding hills.

The one-nave interior features a semicircular apse that houses the terracotta altarpiece , depicting the Virgin with Child among the saints Romolo, Jacopo, Giovanni Battista and Francesco d'Assisi, made by Andrea della Robbia. Over the baptismal font lies a wooden statue of San Giovanni Battista attributed to Michelozzo or to his school, dating back to the 15th century.
The church also houses two paintings by Pietro Annigoni, portraying Sant'Antonio da Padova and the Madonna of the Rosary.

This church is one of the examples of Romanesque art in the area of Vaglia: other art works of the era are found in the Parish Church of San Pietro a Vaglia and in the Parish Church of San Cresci in Pratolino.

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Points of interest
Churches and places of worship
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Romolo

Chiesa di San Romolo

Via della Chiesa, 143, 50036 Bivigliano FI, Italia

Via della Chiesa, 143, 50036 Bivigliano FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
The church is open for visits one hour before religious services.
Entrance fee:
Free admission
Tipo gestione