Villa il Salviatino

Villa Il Salviatino

Villa of sixteenth-century origins situated at the base of the Maiano hill it belonged initially to the Bardi family and then passed into the ownership over time: in the sixteenth century it belonged to the Tegliacci family (hence the first name Villa Tegliaccio), then to the Salviati family, hence the name of Salviatino, to distinguish it from Villa Salviati in via Bolognese. Salviati commissioned Gherardo Silvani to modify the villa. In the seventeenth century the garden was enriched with baroque elements, now lost. The Salviati family owned it until 1823. In the nineteenth century the villa underwent further modifications: a tower was erected, then lowered, and the rooms were decorated in medieval style. In 1911 Ugo Ojetti became the owner and took away the medieval decorations and replanted the Italian garden. The villa became an important cultural centre, inserted in the complex of the so-called "regge fiorentine", with Villa I Tatti of the Berensons and Villa di Montalto of the De Marinis. After the Second World War Villa Il Salviatino was the seat of Standford University until the end of the 80s and since the restoration in 2010 it became the seat of a luxury hotel. 

Photo credits:
Parks and gardens
Villas and castles
Poligono GEO

Villa Il Salviatino

Villa Il Salviatino

Via del Salviatino, 21, 50014 Fiesole FI, Italia

Via del Salviatino, 21, 50014 Fiesole FI, Italia
Entrance fee:
from €3.00 to €5.00