Traditional ceremony reminding the removal (and the consequent myracle of the flowering elm) of St. Zanobi's relics. The historical parade reaches the column of San Zanobi, next to the Baptistery, laying a floral decoration on the spot where the miracle of the elm tree took place.
The Historical Procession of the Florentine Republic, the Uffizi Flagwavers and the city authorities, will go to lay a floral tribute, following the following route:
h. 15:30 - from Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Via Por Santa Maria, Via Vacchereccia, Piazza della Signoria.
h. 15:40 - from Piazza della Signoria, Via Calzaiuoli, Piazza del Duomo, Piazza San Giovanni, Colonna di San Zanobi.
h. 16:00 – After the laying of the Wreath by the Florentine Madonnas, the Uffizi Flag Wavers will perform.
h. 16:15 - Piazza San Giovanni, Piazza Duomo, Via Calzaiuoli, Piazza della Signoria, Via Vacchereccia, Mercato Nuovo, Via Porta Rossa, Via Pellicceria, Piazzetta di Parte Guelfa.