Villa San Michele

Villa San Michele a Doccia

The convent of San Michele a Doccia was built in 1413 by Ser Niccolò Davanzati to house the tertiary friars of the Diocese of Fiesole, later enlarged by Francesco Scarlino who had the church of San Michele Arcangelo built there. The convent then housed the Friars Minor Observant (Franciscans) who resided there until 1808.

The new owners, the Cuccoli Fiaschi, transformed the complex into a villa, also creating a garden on a terrace, and then in 1900 the American Henry White Cannon, restored the villa and created the large greenhouses in the gardens.

After the Second World War the villa opened as a hotel to support the expenses for the restoration and since 1952 Villa San Michele is one of the most famous five star hotels in Florence and its surroundings. Today it belongs to the Belmond group.

Photo credits:
Parks and gardens
Poligono GEO

Villa San Michele a Doccia

Villa San Michele a Doccia

Via Doccia, 4, 50014 Fiesole FI, Italia

Via Doccia, 4, 50014 Fiesole FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Visitable only on special occasions. To get more information please contact the hotel or the Fiesole Tourist information office.
Entrance fee:
Per informazioni sui prezzi dell hotel 'consultare il sito web dell'hotel from €3.00 to €5.00