Giardino Corsini Flower Show

Firenze Flower Show 2025

On 5 and 6 April 2025, in the marvellous garden Corsini al Prato,is hosting the best producers and collectors of botanical rarities.

The autumn event will arrive with the best exhibitors in the country to spend two days of fun and learning about floriculture and quality gardening with the numerous visitors. Many free side activities will involve adults and children in gardening courses, creative demonstrations and educational workshops.

Photo credits: Firenze Flower Show
Markets, fairs

Firenze Flower Show

During the Florence Flower Show it is possible to participate in numerous free workshops. In specific, there will be:

Basic gardening courses, to introduce new enthusiasts to quality gardening;
Specialist gardening courses held by experts in the sector;
Gardening courses for children;
Workshops and educational activities for children to bring them closer to the theme of ecology and environmental sustainability;
Floral art demonstrations;
Floritherapy and natural wellness;
Appointments to discover entomology;
Food and wine tastings and workshops;
Cooking courses with flowers.

Participation in each activity is free of charge. It will be possible to register, with confirmation from the organisation.


Special Openings, tours and workshops
Markets, fairs
Opening hours
05-04-2025 - 06-04-2025
from 09:00 to 20:00
Entrance fee:
from €9.00 to €10.00
Two days ticket € 15.00
Free admission for children under 12 and the disabled.