
An excursion to Mulinaccio

Situated in in the countryside around Scandicci the Mulinaccio is a somewhat magical, hidden place, very fresh in summer, known in the area but not mentioned by tourist guides or other itineraries.

In spring and summer it can be reached with a pleasant walk from San Vincenzo to Torri, crossing very characteristic agricultural landscapes. But what is it? It is in fact a dam, which was built in 1634 to bar a borer and use the force of water as a grain mill.

The dam is on three levels, with beautiful stone arches. Partially ruined, condition also reason of its name (the pejorative form “Mulinaccio”) the site retains a strong charm. The mill was not luck and its functioning was always difficult, the mud was kneading the millstones so that it was abandoned soon. The barrier had created a small lake upstream, which was used for trips and excursions, until, due to an adverse fate, some people drowned there so that in the nineteenth century it was drained.

Now the water jet descending from the Mulinaccio, partly ruined but still imposing, falls on a stretch of muddy water completely surrounded by oaks, downy oaks and pines. In summer it is very pleasant and cool, and well organized: numerous explanatory signs tell the story of the Mill and its activity.

From the town of San Vincenzo a Torri it is neccessary to reach via del Lago, pass Villa Vico; the road is on the left, marked with a bar.



Photo credits: Città Metropolitana di Firenze
Hiking route
San Vincenzo a Torri16800
San Vincenzo a Torri16800
San Vincenzo a Torri16800
San Vincenzo a Torri16800
via del lago16800