Torre della Zecca Vecchia

Torre della Zecca Vecchia

The Zecca Vecchia Tower is part of the last city walls of Florence, built in the thirteenth century at the behest of the Florentine Government (Signoria), on a design by Arnolfo di Cambio. The name Zecca (Mint) reminds to the place where Florentine coins were minted, thanks to the use of forges operated by the flow of Arno River. In fact, the city Mint moved where the tower is now, from the previous location near Palazzo Vecchio to allow the building of the Loggia dei Signori.

It was part of the fortification system of Florence.

Photo credits: Musei Civici Fiorentini
Points of interest
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Torre della Zecca Vecchia

Torre della Zecca Vecchia

Piazza Piave, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia

Piazza Piave, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Only some days of the year upon reservation:
01-06-2024 - 30-09-2024
Friday - Sunday from 17:00 to 20:00
tours every 30 minutes
Entrance fee:
Full price € 6.00
Pay by cash directly at the door
For information about reduced tickets, please check on the website
***Reservation required by phone (+39 055 2768224) o by mail (
Sito web
Tipo gestione
municipal museums