Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi

Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi

The Medici Villa of Cerreto Guidi is situated near the marshes of Fucecchio, which is rich in wildlife and was built by Cosimo I de Medici as a hunting lodge. Work started in 1556 and the design with its two large bricks staircases - the so-called Ponti Medicei - is attributed to Buontalenti.

The villa contains furniture and portraits of medici notables from the 16th and 17th centuries and a series of 17th-century tapesties woven in the grand-ducal workshops. The Villa hosts the Historical Hunting and Territorial Museum, which partly occupies the rooms on the upper floor and is mainly dedicated to hunting and shooting weapons and anything related to them, during the period between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

Photo credits: Direzione regionale musei della Toscana
Points of interest
Villas and castles
Poligono GEO

Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi

Villa Medicea di Cerreto Guidi

Via dei Ponti Medicei, 7, 50050 Cerreto Guidi FI, Italia

Cerreto Guidi 
Via dei Ponti Medicei, 7, 50050 Cerreto Guidi FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Sunday Visits at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 ,12:00, 15:00 and 16:00
Closed: Monday and December 25th, January 1st.
Entrance fee:
Free entrance
Tipo gestione
state museums 
Accessibility:  partially accessible