
Fondazione Casa Buonarroti

The Museo di Casa Buonarroti is to all intents and purposes the temple of Michelangelo's memory.

Acquired by Michelangelo Buonarroti himself around 1510, the property only became central to the Buonarroti family in the 17th century, when the palace took on its current appearance. It was in fact thanks to his great-grandson Michelangelo the Younger, a prominent figure in 17th-century Florentine culture, that this house was decorated with paintings celebrating the family glory, to which four rooms were dedicated.

The core of the collection are Michelangelo's autograph works: exraordinary early sculptures such as the Madonna of the Staircase, the Battle of the Centaurs; the display includes Etruscan and Roman sculptures, Renaissance and 17th-century paintings, Della Robbia glazed terracotta. The great Master is also responsible for the large wooden model for the façade of San Lorenzo Church and the River God, a sketch for the New Sacristy (Medici Chapel Complex).

Thanks to the curatorship of the Fondazione Casa Buonarroti, the museum has an intense exhibition activity, and groups of Michelangelo's drawings are also temporarily exhibited in rotation.

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Points of interest
Poligono GEO

Fondazione Casa Buonarroti

Fondazione Casa Buonarroti

Via Ghibellina, 70, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia

Via Ghibellina, 70, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
01-01-2025 - 31-03-2025
Wednesday - Monday from 10:00 to 16:30
The ticket office closes 30 minutes before
Closed: Tuesday , Sunday Easter, August 15th, December 25th, January 1st
Entrance fee:
Full price € 8.00
For information about reduced tickets please check on the website
Tipo gestione
other museums 
Accessibility:  partially accessible

The first floor (where exhibitions are held) is accessible. An elevator leads to the first floor where the heart of the collections is (but its dimensions are not compatible with big wheelchairs): here all the rooms are connected with ramps. At the Museum a special wheelchair suitable for the museum’s lift is provided, for people capable of moving from one wheelchair to the other.

In case the first floor is not reachable, a touchscreen is available on the ground floor for a virtual tour of the first floor.