Chiostro dello Scalzo

Chiostro dello Scalzo

The cloister of the Scalzo (barefoot) is the entrance to the chapel of the Confraternity of Saint John the Baptist – known as the ‘Scalzo’ order  because during processions the cross-bearer went barefoot .

The space  is entirely decorated with monochrome frescoes depicting Scenes from the Life of John the Baptist, painted by Andrea del Sarto between 1509 and 1526, plus two scenes by Franciabigio.

Photo credits: Direzione regionale musei della Toscana
Points of interest
Churches and places of worship
Poligono GEO

Chiostro dello Scalzo

Chiostro dello Scalzo

Via Camillo Cavour, 69, 50121 Firenze FI, Italia

Via Camillo Cavour, 69, 50121 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
02-01-2025 - 31-03-2025
Monday - Sunday from 08:15 to 13:50
Closed: 2nd, 4th, 5th Sunday, Monday after the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month , 25-12-2025
Entrance fee:
Free entrance
Tipo gestione
state museums 
Accessibility:  accessible

Sidewalk accessible to people in wheelchairs. At the entrance, there is a little difference in level of 2 cm/0,8 in and the door needs to be pushed. The interior is accessible using a small footboard that makes the visit easier.

No toilets for the disabled (available at San Marco Museum in the adjacent square).