Ponte alle Grazie

Ponte alle Grazie

Ponte alle Grazie was the third bridge to be built after Ponte Vecchio and Ponte alla Carraia.  Its first name was "Ponte Rubaconte" after the Podestà at the time of its first construction (1237). The present name derives from the chapel of "Santa Maria delle Grazie", located on the bridge since the 14th century, where the image of the saint was worshipped; among the numerous religious buildings that characterized the bridge the one of the cloistered nuns "Le Murate" (then moved to Via Ghibellina) is worthy of mention. During the 19th century from one of its "shops" it was possible to reach the river and use the "public baths" real bathing estabishments of the time.In 1944 the bridge - like all the others, with the exception of the Ponte Vecchio - was destroyed during the Nazi retreat. The present bridge was inaugurated in 1957.

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Points of interest
Architectures and monuments
Poligono GEO

Ponte alle Grazie

Ponte alle Grazie

Ponte alle Grazie, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia

Ponte alle Grazie, 50122 Firenze FI, Italia
Accessibility:  accessible