Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Palazzo Pitti

Modern Art Gallery - Pitti Palace

The Galleria d'Arte Moderna is located on the second floor of the Pitti Palace, and is a museum where one can admire collections of sculptures and paintings spanning the period between the late 18th century and the early decades of the 20th century, displayed in elegantly decorated and furnished monumental rooms.

The works bear witness to important artistic currents such as Neoclassicism, Romanticism, but above all the Macchiaioli School, which in the mid 19th century constituted a break with academic painting in Tuscany. Giovanni Fattori, one of the most significant Macchiaioli painters, can be admired in this museum.

The thirty rooms also house evidence of the Italian schools of the second half of the 19th century, with currents linked to Decadentism, Symbolism, Post-Impressionism and Divisionism, up to the artistic movements of the early 20th century.
The Andito degli Angiolini, often used for temporary exhibitions, is also part of the museum itinerary.

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze
Points of interest
Poligono GEO

Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Palazzo Pitti

Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Palazzo Pitti

Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia

Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia
Opening hours
Opening hours:
01-01-2025 - 31-03-2025
Tuesday - Sunday from 08:15 to 18:30
The ticket office closes at 17:30
Closed: Monday , 25-12-2025 , 01-01-2026
Entrance fee:
Full price - includes access to Palatine Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Treasury of the Grand Dukes, Fashion and Costume Museum € 16.00
Combined Ticket PassePartout 5 Days (includes the entrance to the museums of Palazzo Pitti, Boboli and Uffizi) € 40.00
Combined Ticket - PassePartout 5 Days + Corridoio Vasariano € 58.00
Combined Ticket - valid 1 day, includes the entrance to the museums of Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Garden € 22.00
For information about other combined tickets, reduced tickets, free entrances please check the website.
***Freed admission for everybody, without reservation, on the first Sunday of the month
Sito web
Gli Uffizi
Tipo gestione
state museums 
Accessibility:  accessible

The Galleria d'Arte Moderna is on the second floor of Palazzo Pitti, and it is possible to reach it by the main stairs or by the elevators located on the right side of the Cortile dell'Ammannati. The doors of the elevators are about 90 cm/3 ft. Out of the elevator, visitors go straight through a corridor marked by a tactile path and turn left. At the entrance, there is one double glass door to be pushed manually. If necessary, ask the staff members for help. There is a floor path helping to find your way through all the rooms.

In the Gallery, the permanent multisensory itinerary “Form and material through touch” displays a selection of work of arts to blind and partially sighted visitors. The itinerary illustrated by audio-guides in Italian and English is capable of facilitating the understanding of the masterpieces thanks to specially created texts and short descriptive cards in both braille and enlarged characters, inserted in special Plexiglas stands. Pick up free audio-guides and hypoallergenic gloves at the entrance of the museum.

A disabled toilet is available, but not indicated.

After room 16, to the right, there is a double door, leading to the bathrooms where there is a Baby Pit Stop. There is a little difference in height at the entrance.

Andito degli Angiolini - Located between the first and second floor (mezzanine floor), it is accessible. Visitors will take the elevator (ground floor on the right side of the Cortile dell’Ammannati) to reach the second floor at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna. Open the glass door and ask for a staff member in the room to lead you to a stair-lift to get to the exhibition rooms of the Angiolini.

For information, please contact the Accessibility and Inclusion Department by calling +39 055 2388617,  Monday – Friday 9.30am-4:30pm. ;