It's autumn: that time of year when the tree tops light up with all the warm shades of red, yellow and orange: it's foliage time.
Here is an itinerary with some suggestions for enjoying the spectacle while staying in Florence, or leaving the city in search of the most colourful woods in the Florentine territory.
In Florence Let's start with Florence, certainly the Cascine Park, the largest green space in the city cannot disappoint us even on this occasion and already in Piazza Vittorio Veneto we find the prima donnas of foliage: the resplendent Ginko biloba, with their golden yellow leaves. Other places where one can admire the magic of autumn colours are: the Giardino dell'Orticoltura, the Giardino delle Rose, Bobolino, the Parco di Villa il Ventaglio, and the Giardino della Villa di Castello.
In Pratolino Leaving the city, an absolute must is the Parco Mediceo di Pratolino, where Giambologna's majestic Apennine is surrounded by the thousands of shades of leaves of beech, oak, plane and lime trees.
Around Florence The Monte Morello area will also fill our eyes with autumn colours, as will the beech forests near Vallombrosa and the woods around Monte Senario, the vineyards around Pontassieve, Rufina, and Figline Valdarno, the paths towards the Convento dell'Incontro or the Spedale del Bigallo in Bagno a Ripoli, the Monte Ceceri area in Fiesole, the Poggio Valicaia Park near Scandicci and the Travalle park in Calenzano.
Finally, after admiring the tree canopies reflected in the waters of the Londa lake, we can venture out in search of the most striking views within the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna.
Parco delle Cascine, Piazzale delle Cascine, 50144 Firenze FI, Italia
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 4, 50139 Firenze FI, Italia
Giardino delle Rose, Viale Giuseppe Poggi, 2, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia
Giardino del Bobolino, Viale Machiavelli, 18, 50125 Firenze FI, Italia
Via Giovanni Aldini, 12
Giardino della Villa Medicea di Castello, Località, Via di Castello, 44, 50141 Firenze FI, Italia
Via Fiorentina, 276, 50036 Pratolino FI, Italia
50036 Convento Monte Senario FI, Italia
Via dei Prati, 5, 50041 Calenzano FI
Loc. Vallombrosa, 115, 50066 Vallombrosa, Reggello FI, Italia
Via del Bigallo e Apparita, 14, 50012 Bagno a Ripoli FI, Italia
via dell'Incontro 1, 50012 Bagno a Ripoli
Londa Lago, 50060 Londa FI, Italia
Parco Museo di Poggio Valicaia, Via della Poggiona, 6 A, 50018 Scandicci FI, Italia