Musica &...Musica Differenziata

Tetraktis Percussioni - Amici della Musica

Sunday 27 October at the Teatro della Pergola, Tetraktis Percussioni will perform Musica &... Musica Differenziata proposing a topical theme such as the importance of differentiated waste collection, but in a musical key, emphasising that any object can have more than one function in sound.

The music chosen is taken from the modern and contemporary repertoire (Steve Reich, John Cage) and from the world's popular traditions using everyday objects as instruments.


Photo credits: Amici della musica
Rock, jazz, pop, ethnic music, Modern dance

Musica &...Musica Differenziata

The Tetraktis Percussioni with Musica &...Musica Differenziata address the theme of differentiated waste collection, making us reflect on how every material has its own sound, and thanks to percussionists an object can also become an instrument on which to create a rhythm.

Opening hours
from 19:00
Entrance fee:
from €6.00 to €28.00