una scena

Ciak sul lavoro - Cinema La Compagnia

After a break of a few years, the film festival Ciak sul lavoro, organised by CGIL Trade Union and the Anémic association, returns to Florence. The review, entitled Di Lotta e Resistenza (Of Struggle and Resistance), is dedicated to Robert Guédiguian, a militant French director who has always put work and the struggles for rights connected to it at the centre of his cinema.

Photo credits: Cinema La Compagnia
Film festival

Di Lotta e Resistenza - Of Struggle and Resistance

This festival is dedicated to Robert Guédiguian, a militant French director who has always put labour and the struggles for rights related to it at the centre of his cinema.

The screening venues are: French Institute, Cinema La Compagnia and Spazio Alfieri. Original version with French subtitles.

Film festival