Foresta di Monte Senario

When the heat hits...

In this period characterized by high temperatures, especially in Florence, some suggestions for making the most of your stay may be useful.

For lovers of outdoor swimming pools there are not a few proposals in the city. Even at the Renai Park (Signa, well connected by a bike path from the Cascine Park) you can take a nice swim!

In the immediate surroundings, on high ground, in addition to the splendid Fiesole (about 300 meters above sea level, easily reached in a few minutes by bus No. 7), a little further away and cooler is the immense Medici Park of Pratolino (reachable by bus 25A), not to be missed! Other Medici villas nearby are those of Petraia and Castello. With its shrine nestled in a fir forest at about 900 meters above sea level, Monte Senario is definitely one of the coolest places ever; one of the many Hiking routes that cross Florence passes right through its forest!

Then, if you are interested in visiting Florence's most famous museums, why not take advantage of the evening openings of the Uffizi and Accademia Galleries? During this period the Uffizi, until December 17, on Tuesday extends its hours until 9:30 p.m. (last entry by 8:30 p.m.), while the Accademia, until September 26, on Tuesdays closes at 10 p.m. and Thursday at 9 p.m.

In the evening, then, it may be an idea to participate in some of the Florentine Summer activities, perhaps having a drink in one of the many summer spaces in relatively cooler settings, including along the Arno.

Finally, always remember that all around Florence there is a world to discover!


Photo credits: Visittuscany - Foresta di Monte Senario