Firenze Welcome Center

Tourist Information Offices in Florence and around

In order to discover all that can be seen, known and visited in Florence and its territory, you can contact a tourist information office (IAT), where you will find materials to organize your stay in the city at its best.

You can ask for the updated timetable of all the museums, daily events or how to make the best of your visit. Our staff is at your disposal for any kind of your needs.

At the tourist information office you can buy or collect the Firenze Card.
The tourist information offices in Florence are located in:

- Firenze Welcome Center at piazza Stazione 5, the largest tourist information in the city, with a modern bookshop and a cafeteria;

- Infopoint via Cavour 1R, specializing in the territory all around Florence as well as Florence;

- Infopoint Airport Vespucci , at the Arrivals;

There are several tourist points in the city centre that are run by private tour operators. They sell services, but are not comparable to the public facilities in terms of impartiality, reliability and certification of data, where all services are free of charge.

Around Florence there are other IAT or Tourist Information Offices which are regularly open and offer assistance and free leaflets:

in Fiesole via Portigiani, close to the Archeological Area
in Impruneta in the space Loggiato del Pellegrino, close to the Basilica;
in Signa at the exit of the train station.

Do you want to see on map where the tourist information offices are? Download the FeelFlorence APP.

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze