Estate Fiorentina

Estate Fiorentina - Summer in Florence

Estate Fiorentina is finally back with a rich program bursting with all kinds of events. We’re talking about more than 100 projects and 10 festivals, spread all over the city, from June to September.

The 2024 edition celebrates famous psychiatrist Franco Basaglia in the centenary of his birth and the events inaugurating the festival at the beginning of June in San Salvi former-asylum area are especially dedicated to him. In the same days also begins the Secret Florence Festival: art, dance and musical shows taking place in less well known locations of the city. For book lovers, not to miss La Città dei Lettori (the AI is this year’s leading theme) at Villa Bardini, from June 5 to 9, and Le Piazze dei Libri, from June 11 to 15. The Sagrati in Musica Festival, from June 8 to September 1, consists in a series of concerts on churches' pavises, while the Florence Dance Performing Arts Festival, in the exceptional location of Santa Maria Novella’s Chiostro Grande, begins on June 21 and will last one month.

This year, Florence is the starting point for the Tour de France (June 29), and for the occasion, Aspettando il Tour (Waiting for the Tour) is taking place in piazza Ognissanti from June 25 to 29, with movie screenings and book presentations concerning cycling and the relationship between Italy and France. From June 25 to July 24, Apriti Cinema is also coming back, like for past editions, in piazzale degli Uffizi, with projections of Italian and foreign movies. 

In July, from the 10th until the 31st, the Virgilio Sieni Dance company is curating “Corpo Celeste. Scuola aperta nei luoghi di pace”, a project alternating lessons, readings, shows, in various locations throughout the city, all revolving around the body and how it moves in the surrounding space and in relation to others. From July 21 to 25, the Festival au Desert (featuring Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and North African ethnic music) returns to the Chiostro Grande of Santa Maria Novella and the Cascine Park. The latter will also host the festival dedicated to the circus world, Cirk Fantastik, from September 5 to 15. Also in September, from the 6th to the 15th, the Florence Jazz Festival 2024 will liven up  the Oltrarno, while Genius Loci will reinterpret the monumental complex of Santa Croce through various disciplines from the 26th to the 28th of the same month.

The evenings of the Estate Fiorentina are also animated by 13 summer spaces: open-air venues set up in various parts of the city, including the more peripheral areas, some of which are along the Arno and in other relatively cooler areas.

Consult the full program of Estate Fiorentina 2024.

Photo credits: Comune di Firenze