
“Diladdarno”, From the river to the hills, Florence for children

City of Florence Guide Elisa Acciai proposes three captivating itineraries.

The first one, “Diladdarno”, literally “across river Arno”, will introduce you to the true soul of this district, one of the most “Florentine”. Starting from Ponte Vecchio, visitors will dive into the alleys and small squares where craftsmanship still thrives. Then, in a craftsman shop you’ll find out about the secrets of ancient crafts. Next you’ll visit a true masterpiece of Renaissance: Santo Spirito Church, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.

The second tour is a lovely and energizing stroll dedicated to a refreshing theme: water. Starting from Ponte Vecchio, you will be guided through San Niccolò neighbourhood, rich in craftsman shops, and, once reached Piazza Poggi, you will start climbing towards Piazzale Michelangelo, on the “Rampe del Poggi” (Poggi’s slopes), recently restored, accompanied by lovely fountains. After that, the last step of the tour will be still higher, at the ancient, beautiful Basilica of San Miniato al Monte.

Florence, through children’s eyes, is amazing! This tour is ideal for kids aged 6 to 12 years old and their families. We’ll discover everything about the roman origins of Florentia, then we’ll look for tower-houses in the medieval heart of the city, and finally we’ll find out about the stories behind the statues in Piazza della Signoria and the meaning behind mysterious stone faces coming out of walls in hidden places. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

When: on request

Duration of the tour: 1&2) 2h30; 3) 1h30

Price per person: up to 8 persons 180€ for tour n.1 and 2 - €140 for tour n. 3 - please contact me for bigger groups

Languages: available in Italian, French and English

Reservation in advance through email or by Whatsapp message
Mail: - Whatsapp: +39 339 6262031

The tour will take place in compliance with anti-covid regulations: guaranteed distance with the use of sanitized earphones, small group and compulsory mask.

Photo credits: City of Florence Guide