Inside the complex of S. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi, founded in 1256 and renovated in Renaissance forms at the end of the fifteenth century, there is the Chapter House decorated, around 1495, with a sublime Crucifixion, frescoed by Perugino (master of Raphael).
The scene, depicting Jesus on the cross, the Virgin, Saint John, the Magdalene and Saints Bernardo and Benedetto, takes place against the background of a typical Umbrian landscape, with rolling hills, rocks and streams. In the same room are also kept the detached fresco and its sinopia depicting Saint Bernard receiving the body of Christ, probably painted by a pupil of Perugino.
Sala del Perugino
Via della Colonna, 9, 50121 Firenze FI, Italia
You need to be accompanied: the sidewalk does not join the street level; the helper has to ask the attendant to open the side entrance of the Liceo Michelangiolo. Inside there is a series of footboards.